Checking Firmware

Video Transcript

In this section, we’re going to use a t script to check for the firmware versions. The t script is provided as a file below.

To run the t script, go to the Kvaser CANlib SDK in the programs menu. Select the ‘TRX’ application. In TRX, go to menu, ‘Open File’. Select the t script that we just downloaded and open it. Your t script should look like this.

In order to run the t script, connect to the DIN Rail, download the t script and press ‘Run’. If the firmware is not updated, it will look like this.

After the first run of the firmware, it will look like this:

After the second run of the firmware, it will look like this:

Lesson tags: #automotive, #canbus, #controllerareanetwork, #ethernet, #testandmeasurement, #testcell
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