First Startup of SE400

Video Transcript

Okay, let’s start up the SE400. Before you connect power to the unit, note the serial number of the unit. This will make it easier for you to find it if you have many Kvaser Ethernet devices connected to your PC.

SDK and Driver:

You must download and install both the Kvaser CANlib SDK and driver. Minimum version is 5.26. Finding the unit on the network.

We are assuming that the unit has been connected to a network that has a DHCP server and your computer that you used for configuration is connected to the same network. If the network doesn’t haven’t a DHCP server, please check the user guide for further instructions.

Step 1: Start the software ‘Kvaser Device Guide’. No SE400 visible here yet [see video image at :58].

Step 2: Open ‘Tools/Network Device Selector’.

Now it is possible to see all remote Kvaser CAN interfaces. Our interface that we’re looking for in this example has serial #218 and can be found on IP address

Now we know the IP address is, and HN is kv-10598-00215.

Step 3: To be able to configure the unit press ‘Connect’. If the unit is connected correctly, we will see this view [see video image at 1:44].

Step 4: Right click on your connected device and select ‘Configure Remote Settings’.

You will get this dialogue box [see video image at 2:01]. This is normal the first time.

Step 5: Let’s change the name of the device. I don’t like “Kvaser Remote #218”. So I’ll change it to “HelgesDemoSE400”.

Success! Now we have our four CAN channels to work with.

Congratulations on completing this course.

For further questions on implementation and configuration of Kvaser’s DIN Rail system, please contact us directly at

Thank you.

Lesson tags: #automotive, #canbus, #controllerareanetwork, #ethernet, #testandmeasurement, #testcell
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