
23/11/2020 by Kvaser

CAN Datalogging Webinar with Accurate Technologies

Accurate Technologies (ATI) and Kvaser are holding a joint webinar on December 2nd (9:30AM Beijing time) to explain how to use the Kvaser-ATI toolchain to log, import, and analyze vehicle CAN data. The 60-minute webinar will demonstrate how to use a standalone CAN datalogger to record vehicle data and import that data into analysis software.

Topics will cover logger configuration, DBC file usage, import/export process, file formats, and signal analysis.

Mr. Xiaojun ZHENG, KVASER Application Manager, will teach the specifics of using Kvaser Memorator series products for CAN data recording, while Dr. Yonghui ZHANG, ATI Application Manager, will provide a tutorial on handling the data in the CANLab software.


Accurate Technologies(ATI)和Kvaser将于12月2日(北京时间上午9点半)举行联合网络会议,介绍一下如何使用Kvaser-ATI工具链记录,导入和分析车辆CAN数据。 60分钟的会议将演示如何使用独立的CAN数据记录仪记录车辆数据并将该数据导入分析软件。会议主题将涵盖记录仪配置,DBC文件使用,导入/导出过程,文件格式和信号分析。Kvaser中国区技术经理郑潇俊先生将介绍使用Kvaser Memorator系列产品进行CAN数据记录的具体技巧, ATI中国区技术经理张永辉博士会讲授如何使用CANLab软件处理数据。


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