
04/12/2018 by Kvaser

Hanze Racing Division: Wireless communication and logging in Formula Student competition

Hanze Racing Division

The Hanze Racing Division (HARD) is the official Formula Student race team representing Hanze University of Applied Sciences since 2010. The team consists of ambitious students from different academic fields with a shared passion for race cars.

These students combine their talents and knowledge to make a strong, versatile team. Everyone in the team, no matter what field of study they come from, commits to working to the same goal: building a fantastic race car.

EV Development: Wireless communication and logging

The HARD team has been successful in developing a car and competing in the Formula SAE events (see more info below). Next up, however, they are working on an Electric Vehicle. The team will be using the Kvaser Blackbird v2 and Kvaser Memorator Pro 2xHS v2 to a) remotely monitor the vehicle during testing, and b) log vehicle data for post-analysis.

Kvaser is proud to be sponsoring engineers using CAN in innovative automotive technology projects.



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Thanks to Kvaser for sponsoring us with their CAN devices! These will be used for wireless communication and logging in our upcoming EV car.

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About Formula Student

Formula Student, or Formula SAE (acronym Society of Automotive Engineering), is an International design competition for students. The roots of Formula SAE can be traced from Austin, Texas when SAE students from University of Texas generated a concept for competition between universities and colleges. The main goal of the event is to design, develop, and build a race car. And so, in 1980, the first Formula SAE were held.

By expanding to other countries and continents, the competition now has several organisers and is also known under the two above-mentioned names.

The concept behind this event is: A fictitious production company hires a student team to develop a small-scale Formula-style racing car. The target group of this product would be a non-professional weekend driver. Each student team designs, builds and tests a prototype that is based on rules that both guarantee safety on the circuit and promote clever problem solving.

The main focus of Formula Student is to build a fast car, but also one that is not expensive to build. Additionally, there are other judging criterion:

  • Aesthetics
  • Cost
  • Durability
  • Ergonomics
  • Maintainability
  • Manufacturability

Also, the team may only consist of active students of the university (including the driver of the car).

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